Monday, August 22, 2005
Friday, March 25, 2005
The Plight of Terri Schiavo is OUR FAULT!
I am a Catholic. Being a Catholic is a great gift, yet also demands a specific duty to uphold the truth that comes from Scripture, Tradition, and the Magisterium. To the man who has been given much, much is required. To the man who has been given more, that much more is required. This post is directed to those who claim to be Catholic but support the culture of death by their words and actions. To castigate the Catholic politicians who support the culture of death is a futile pursuit. They have gone the way of Judas Iscariot. So, I chastise you Catholics who made fun of Alan Keyes and voted for Barak Obama. You are the ones who voted for Clinton, Gore, and Kerry. You are the cafeteria Catholics who have thrown away your birthright and voted for death-monger Catholics like Kerry, Durbin, Kennedy, Moran, Pelosi, Rangel, Harkin, Gutierrez, Landrieu, Leahy, Brown-Waite, Shaw, et. al. These representative fools have set us upon a path from which any return will not likely come without a great conflict, if at all. Most disgusting is that in some of the nation's largest cities, the Catholic population is 25%-45% of the total population. For shame. Every time you pull that lever and punch that card you shout a collective, "Give us Barrabas!" So, your voting behaviors contribute greatly to a judiciary that runs out of control - from the smallest backwater circuit judge to the highest court in the land. You had better pray that your weaknesses, whatever they may be, do not become targets for the Nazis who now run this country.
It has been said that the streets of Hell are paved with the skulls of the Bishops. It is clear that most of the Bishops of the United States have failed in their task to defend the faith and thereby have failed to defend the weakest among us. That people like John Kerry and Dick Durbin receive the Holy Eucharist regularly is a mockery of God. That certain Cardinal Archbishops do not want to take a real stand on the defense of human life is an outrage. They say, "We don't want to make the reception of the Eucharist a moment of contention." While, out of the other sides of their mouths they claim the death penalty for convicted murderers is un-Catholic. Again I say, for shame. It is no surprise that people are departing the Catholic Church in droves, while the fashionable mega-churches pack 'em in. At least the mega-churches probably still teach the 10 Commandments. Meanwhile, innocent babes in the womb are murdered by the millions.
Now, we are watching the slow murder of an innocent disabled woman, Terri Schindler. Through a terrible conspiracy in thoughts and deeds by evil lawyers and Michael Schiavo. With the sin of omission by the Bush brothers, a poor defenseless woman is being starved to death. During Holy Week, an innocent woman is being executed, her suffering no doubt united to the sufferings of Christ; and by its merits, will probably help to keep many of you out of Hell.
It has been said that the streets of Hell are paved with the skulls of the Bishops. It is clear that most of the Bishops of the United States have failed in their task to defend the faith and thereby have failed to defend the weakest among us. That people like John Kerry and Dick Durbin receive the Holy Eucharist regularly is a mockery of God. That certain Cardinal Archbishops do not want to take a real stand on the defense of human life is an outrage. They say, "We don't want to make the reception of the Eucharist a moment of contention." While, out of the other sides of their mouths they claim the death penalty for convicted murderers is un-Catholic. Again I say, for shame. It is no surprise that people are departing the Catholic Church in droves, while the fashionable mega-churches pack 'em in. At least the mega-churches probably still teach the 10 Commandments. Meanwhile, innocent babes in the womb are murdered by the millions.
Now, we are watching the slow murder of an innocent disabled woman, Terri Schindler. Through a terrible conspiracy in thoughts and deeds by evil lawyers and Michael Schiavo. With the sin of omission by the Bush brothers, a poor defenseless woman is being starved to death. During Holy Week, an innocent woman is being executed, her suffering no doubt united to the sufferings of Christ; and by its merits, will probably help to keep many of you out of Hell.
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Terri Schiavo and the End of Civilization
This is the visible manifestation of a terrible war. It is the dour combat between good and evil, light and darkness, life and death. This battle has been going on since the beginning, but there can be no doubt that Satan has increased his domination over those who succumb to his lies.
No one of good will should be surprised by the evil conspiracy to murder Terri Schiavo, a disabled woman. Since the legalization of abortion, our society has fallen away from a virtuous commitment to the sanctity of life and further seeks to sate its own death wish. That many in our society aided by an evil judicial regime accept the institutional and systematic brutality to unborn and partially born children indicates the demise of our collective conscience and leads individuals to take leave of reason and the moral law. The immoral decisions by many in the judiciary only creates a disdain for law.
Now, authentic law is not whatever a judge or legislature or executive official or bureaucrat declare. The Nazis invoked the so called law during the Nuremburg trials...and they were hung. Authentic law is that law which is in conformity with the Divine Law and manifests itself in the Natural Law and Moral Law. The actions we have seen by judge Greer and supported by judge Whittemore are not supported in law. If a person's most basic right is not to life, how can any other rights have any meaning? Even a casual reading of the facts in the Terri Schiavo case lead a reasonable person to believe that Terri's case ought to be subject to a trial by the federal courts. Even murderers on death row are provided extensive appeals. That Ms. Schiavo should be denied reinsertion of her feeding tube amounts to a diabolical plan to thwart due process. This is not law, but license.
A society that orders itself without reference to moral principles will soon find itself subjected to open or thinly veiled totalitarianism. Wake up.
No one of good will should be surprised by the evil conspiracy to murder Terri Schiavo, a disabled woman. Since the legalization of abortion, our society has fallen away from a virtuous commitment to the sanctity of life and further seeks to sate its own death wish. That many in our society aided by an evil judicial regime accept the institutional and systematic brutality to unborn and partially born children indicates the demise of our collective conscience and leads individuals to take leave of reason and the moral law. The immoral decisions by many in the judiciary only creates a disdain for law.
Now, authentic law is not whatever a judge or legislature or executive official or bureaucrat declare. The Nazis invoked the so called law during the Nuremburg trials...and they were hung. Authentic law is that law which is in conformity with the Divine Law and manifests itself in the Natural Law and Moral Law. The actions we have seen by judge Greer and supported by judge Whittemore are not supported in law. If a person's most basic right is not to life, how can any other rights have any meaning? Even a casual reading of the facts in the Terri Schiavo case lead a reasonable person to believe that Terri's case ought to be subject to a trial by the federal courts. Even murderers on death row are provided extensive appeals. That Ms. Schiavo should be denied reinsertion of her feeding tube amounts to a diabolical plan to thwart due process. This is not law, but license.
A society that orders itself without reference to moral principles will soon find itself subjected to open or thinly veiled totalitarianism. Wake up.
Monday, January 24, 2005
Nazi Germany or USA?
On Jan 24, the US Supreme Court decided not to hear the case to save Terri Schiavo from her delinquent scumbag murderous husband, Michael Schiavo. In 1990, Terri Schiavo's heart stopped beating and she suffered serious brain damage. She is now disabled and is unable to feed herself. Despite her evil husband's best efforts to deny her rehabilitative services, she remains alive. Yet, Michael Schiavo has been trying to gain state approval to starve Terri to death. Michael Schiavo claims that Terri would have never wanted to live in such a condition, but no evidence whatsoever supports his contention.
During the years of Michael Schiavo's plot to starve Terri, he's managed to find a new love and sire at least 2 children. The question is: Why does Michael Schiavo care so much about doing away with his wife Terri when he's clearly moved on with his life? There has been some speculation that Terri's condition is not the result of a sickness, but that she is the victim of violence. Perhaps if Terri received rehabilitative treatment over the last 15 years, she could tell us all what happened.
Terri's Fight
During the years of Michael Schiavo's plot to starve Terri, he's managed to find a new love and sire at least 2 children. The question is: Why does Michael Schiavo care so much about doing away with his wife Terri when he's clearly moved on with his life? There has been some speculation that Terri's condition is not the result of a sickness, but that she is the victim of violence. Perhaps if Terri received rehabilitative treatment over the last 15 years, she could tell us all what happened.
Sunday, January 09, 2005
The Truth About Marriage
On January 9th, I watched a reality program on the We channel called Bridezillas. The show documents challenges, perceived or real, that engaged couples face during the planning of their weddings. The program is usually set at a location where wedding planning is taking place, e.g. a florist, dress store, jeweler, baker, photography studio, restaurants, and at their homes. Family and friends are almost always present for close range verbal and non-verbal assaults from the bridezillas. Curiously, the couples have a wedding planner, whose job seems to be keeping the bride from killing everyone. The show attempts to capture key moments when the bridezilla becomes emotionally unstable because of stress. While the program’s characters aren’t as volatile as those seen on Mtv’s Real World, these characters provide clues as to why over 50% of marriages end in divorce. I would say the show is realistic in the sense that the attitudes of the bridezillas are not uncommon in a materialistic culture.
In a nutshell what happened on the show? There were four bridezillas.
One bridezilla became verbally abusive and physically agitated when her friend informed her of the type of dress the bridesmaids were wearing. Then later declared, “I’m a beautiful princess!” while trying on her wedding gown.
Another bridezilla was a control freak. Any deviation from her plans, personal or professional (she was a retail store manager) resulted in expletives.
The other two bridezillas didn’t do much, but this episode was only part one of two.
Now, during the program it was clear that the bridezillas were immature and narcissistic. For them marriage constitutes a high level of material well-being in which no expense or person can be spared from the demands of the bridezilla. It’s no wonder that marriages fail when impossible expectations are never achieved. It doesn’t help when the grooms on the show are effeminate and adolescent.
These kinds of personality traits will destroy a marriage. When people say their marriage vows, we never hear, “In health and not sickness, for richer and not poorer, for better and not worse.” Yet, these are the expectations people bring to marriage. “I love you as long as you earn six figures.” “I love you as long as you don’t get fat and ugly.” “I love you as long as our lovemaking is as intense and exciting as it was the first time we did it.” Such viewpoints lead to divorce.
Marriage is the lasting union of a man and a woman who agree to give and receive rights over one another for the purpose of mutual love and propagation of the next generation. In practical terms, each must be a loving servant to each other. To truly love one’s spouse is to help them attain the highest and best thing. The highest and best thing is not money, or health, or good times, or youthful appearance, even though these are all goods in themselves. The highest and best thing is heaven. Only when couples realize this and change their behaviors will the divorce rate radically decline.
In a nutshell what happened on the show? There were four bridezillas.
One bridezilla became verbally abusive and physically agitated when her friend informed her of the type of dress the bridesmaids were wearing. Then later declared, “I’m a beautiful princess!” while trying on her wedding gown.
Another bridezilla was a control freak. Any deviation from her plans, personal or professional (she was a retail store manager) resulted in expletives.
The other two bridezillas didn’t do much, but this episode was only part one of two.
Now, during the program it was clear that the bridezillas were immature and narcissistic. For them marriage constitutes a high level of material well-being in which no expense or person can be spared from the demands of the bridezilla. It’s no wonder that marriages fail when impossible expectations are never achieved. It doesn’t help when the grooms on the show are effeminate and adolescent.
These kinds of personality traits will destroy a marriage. When people say their marriage vows, we never hear, “In health and not sickness, for richer and not poorer, for better and not worse.” Yet, these are the expectations people bring to marriage. “I love you as long as you earn six figures.” “I love you as long as you don’t get fat and ugly.” “I love you as long as our lovemaking is as intense and exciting as it was the first time we did it.” Such viewpoints lead to divorce.
Marriage is the lasting union of a man and a woman who agree to give and receive rights over one another for the purpose of mutual love and propagation of the next generation. In practical terms, each must be a loving servant to each other. To truly love one’s spouse is to help them attain the highest and best thing. The highest and best thing is not money, or health, or good times, or youthful appearance, even though these are all goods in themselves. The highest and best thing is heaven. Only when couples realize this and change their behaviors will the divorce rate radically decline.
Saturday, January 08, 2005
What is the Truth?
Truth is conformity of the mind with reality. If the mind fails to come into conformity with reality, then one's mind is lost in fantasy. This page is devoted to the examination of popular culture, politics, education, religion and everyday life under the lens of the truth. One of the greatest failures of western civilization has been the intense promotion of the idea that each individual decides for one's self what is true.
What is the truth and where does it come from? The truth is not a something. It is not solely a philosophical premise. The Truth is a somebody. His name is Jesus Christ. Jesus said, "I am the way, the Truth, and the life." (Jn 14:6). So, God is truth itself. Since God is immutable, the truth is immutable, unchangeable. That which is perfect admits of no change.
The psycho-babble slogan, "I'm ok, you're ok" is destroying the very fabric of society. Why? Because such a view is an attack on the integrity of each individual. Freedom is not doing whatever "I" want to do. Freedom is a duty to do what is right in light of the truth. Freedom, properly exercised, gives rise to justice. Doing whatever "I" want to do outside the realm of the truth is License. Over the last 40-50 years, such a view has caused a disintegration of society. The evidence for such a disintegration is overwhelming. From abortion to euthanasia to suicide to violence to poverty and all points in between, we continue to 'slouch toward Gomorrah' as Robert Bork writes. As history has shown time and again, a society that does not order itself to a proper morality soon finds itself in totalitarianism.
What is the truth and where does it come from? The truth is not a something. It is not solely a philosophical premise. The Truth is a somebody. His name is Jesus Christ. Jesus said, "I am the way, the Truth, and the life." (Jn 14:6). So, God is truth itself. Since God is immutable, the truth is immutable, unchangeable. That which is perfect admits of no change.
The psycho-babble slogan, "I'm ok, you're ok" is destroying the very fabric of society. Why? Because such a view is an attack on the integrity of each individual. Freedom is not doing whatever "I" want to do. Freedom is a duty to do what is right in light of the truth. Freedom, properly exercised, gives rise to justice. Doing whatever "I" want to do outside the realm of the truth is License. Over the last 40-50 years, such a view has caused a disintegration of society. The evidence for such a disintegration is overwhelming. From abortion to euthanasia to suicide to violence to poverty and all points in between, we continue to 'slouch toward Gomorrah' as Robert Bork writes. As history has shown time and again, a society that does not order itself to a proper morality soon finds itself in totalitarianism.
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