This is the visible manifestation of a terrible war. It is the dour combat between good and evil, light and darkness, life and death. This battle has been going on since the beginning, but there can be no doubt that Satan has increased his domination over those who succumb to his lies.
No one of good will should be surprised by the evil conspiracy to murder Terri Schiavo, a disabled woman. Since the legalization of abortion, our society has fallen away from a virtuous commitment to the sanctity of life and further seeks to sate its own death wish. That many in our society aided by an evil judicial regime accept the institutional and systematic brutality to unborn and partially born children indicates the demise of our collective conscience and leads individuals to take leave of reason and the moral law. The immoral decisions by many in the judiciary only creates a disdain for law.
Now, authentic law is not whatever a judge or legislature or executive official or bureaucrat declare. The Nazis invoked the so called law during the Nuremburg trials...and they were hung. Authentic law is that law which is in conformity with the Divine Law and manifests itself in the Natural Law and Moral Law. The actions we have seen by judge Greer and supported by judge Whittemore are not supported in law. If a person's most basic right is not to life, how can any other rights have any meaning? Even a casual reading of the facts in the Terri Schiavo case lead a reasonable person to believe that Terri's case ought to be subject to a trial by the federal courts. Even murderers on death row are provided extensive appeals. That Ms. Schiavo should be denied reinsertion of her feeding tube amounts to a diabolical plan to thwart due process. This is not law, but license.
A society that orders itself without reference to moral principles will soon find itself subjected to open or thinly veiled totalitarianism. Wake up.