Monday, March 27, 2006
Sunsara Taylor on Bill O'Reilly
Tonight I saw an obscure self-proclaimed communist named Sunsara Taylor on Bill O'Reilly. Her most outrageous statement, "A fetus is not a person." defies scientific fact, not to mention philosophical truth about personhood. It never fails to astound me how people who are articulate and seemingly intelligent could lack even the most basic reasoning skills. None the less, I later found this woman fancies Mao Tse Tung a champion of civil rights. (How ironic that if Ms. Taylor was this outspoken in China, she'd be an involuntary organ donor.) So, I began to search the net to see if Ms. Taylor was currently a college student or if she had earned a college degree. After all, I like to keep a casual inventory of which colleges are producing the most radical (psuedo)intellectuals. I simply did not find any information in regard her educational background. If Ms. Taylor ever attended a college or university, she should ask for a tuition refund.