- Bill O'Reilly is a dirty old man with a bizarre lack of common sense.
Then, if you are a regular viewer of the Factor, you will come to realize that Billy boy is obsessed with babes in bikinis and other inappropriate showing of TNA. This is a news program, allegedly. You be the judge.
But putting all that aside, good ole Billy absolutely refuses to acknowledge any validity to the repeated attempts in court to get Barry Sotero to produce his long-form birth certificate. There is a very real chance that Barry was not born in the USA and is not a US citizen, let alone a natural born citizen. Barry could dispel all this controversy by merely producing his birth certificate. He'd rather spend millions in legal fees trying to keep people from seeing his college records and birth certificate.
Recently, it came to light that Barry Sotero's social security number was issued from the state of Connecticut, even though Barry never lived there. Billy boy claimed it was his father who lived in Conn, but there's no reason to believe that either since Harvard is in Massachusetts.
Ole Billy has been famous for skirting real issues and engaging in ad hominem attacks at anyone who might reveal him for being the fake journalist he is. Then, he has the audacity to remove evidence of his own biased attitudes by cutting certain parts of his podcast because it might make him look silly. Look here.